Tag: texas

  • Brisket post-mortem

    The brisket from yesterday was well received by the 10 people in attendance. I had six people here that have lived at one point or another in Texas (some as recently as two weeks ago!), and everyone says it tasted authentic. I cooked it to an internal temp of 170°F, and I actually don’t think…

  • New Grill! I’m an “egg”head!

    After reading several reviews on the web, and getting inspired by a [co-worker](http://www.seanalexander.com/2006/09/05/LaborDayBBQMeetsTechWizardry.aspx), I decided to buy a new grill. And I’ve eschewed the propane tank forever. I bought a [Big Green Egg](http://www.biggreenegg.com/) from [Thompson’s Hearth & Home](http://www.thompsonshearth.com/bbq.htm) in Issaquah. This thing is a beast! Tips the scales at over 140 pounds, and I can’t…

  • Bud Light: Such a true commercial

    A co-worker of mine (Hi, Dan!) sent me this link to a Bud Light “Real Men of Genius” song, saluting “Mr. Way-Too-Proud-Of-Texas Guy”. It's so true.

  • It’s Official: Temperature Sensitivity is Back!

    After being in Seattle for the past two years, I've now come to realize I'm officially not used to hot temperatures anymore. Yesterday got up to 85°F, and today hit 90°F — and I've been whining about it the entire time. Pretty bizarre considering I lived in southeast Texas for 20+ years.

  • Hurricanes Katrina & Rita: Fires?

    After having been glued to the TV for the last few weeks watching news coverage about Hurricane Katrina, and now started to catch coverage on Rita's landfall, I've gotta wonder where all these fires are coming from. How is it that when people evacuate, things start burning? It's like the presence of a warm human…

  • life: an update

    Well, it's been a while since my last “real” post (around August 19 or so, neglecting a happy b-day to Diann and a random quote by Trey). And people keep telling me to update this thing… Well, I say people, but I really mean Jeff, who just soloed (yay congrats!)! At any rate, a lot…

  • Speeding

    So, Diann & I were driving to Houston yesterday via the typical route (South Hwy 6. to 290 East for those of you curious) and we were cruising at about 70-72 MPH. Speed limit was 65 MPH and everyone in the pack of cars around us was doing the same speed as we were. So,…

  • i hate texas weather!

    So, the weather deities are playing cruel, cruel jokes on us here in Texas. Last week, the temperatures during the day were in the 70's and 80's, not so much winter weather. Last Friday, we finally got a cold front, and the temperature during the day was 40's to 50's, which is much nicer than…

  • so that was fun

    Well, that was fun.. Or not. For those of you not in the B/CS area, we just went through a 5 hour power outage. Not just a neighborhood outage, but both cities, as well as Texas A&M. The outage reportedly went all the way to Waco, and east to the Texas/Louisiana border. Crazy stuff. Local…