Tag: movable type

  • hooray for making the family nerdier

    Well, now that finals are over, I had no further excuse to prevent the inevitable de-grinching of our house — Diann was forcing me into buying a Christmas tree. 🙂 Well, so we hooked up the Christmas tree last night, ran the lights (only 300 this year; no Griswald Family Tree this year). However, if…

  • another week

    Well, another week almost gone by… And another round of tests gone by too. I hate essay questions, and quasi-ambiguous multiple choice questions. In other exciting news, I've got my wireless pages up in MT. Hooray for yet another short blog entry. 🙂

  • hooray for movable type!

    So I've been working on ways to get my static pages into MT and have followed Brad Choate's instructions as far as creating a second blog to hold static content. So far, so good. But then came my problem: how to get data from the static blog categories into the main index on the normal…

  • getting things back in order

    Well, I'm still working on getting things punched back in. The FreeBSD pages are back online, as are the Home Automation pages (albeit not much to see in the Home Automation section). I'm still trying to find some time (ha!) to do some HTML and CSS changes to the site to make things look a…

  • updating the website…

    After reading Brad Choate's article on rebuilding your entire website with MT, I've started rebuilding the static pages under MT as well. So, for the time being, they'll be unavailable. (This includes the FreeBSD pages, my digital photography pages, wireless pages, and a few others. They'll be back online soon enough.

  • new blog management

    So I've finally decided to get going and shake the cobwebs off the website. With the purchase of the new camera I figured I should clean this thing up a bit… Well, I'm working on re-doing the website layout and one of the first steps in doing so is getting rid of the old blog…