Month: July 2008

  • Blog post for a T-shirt? Sure. 🙂

    I’m not above selling out periodically.  A few months back, I posted here for a chance to win some vanilla beans after winning some saffron.  Now, it’s time for a t-shirt. Thanks to Bill, I’ve stumbled upon the Microspotting site.  And I definitely want one of the “I am the empire” t-shirts.  Oh, and Ariel,…

  • Trying something a bit different

    The car is packed (camping gear, bikes, telescopes), days off work are scheduled, and the route is planned. Diann & I are taking a long weekend and heading out of town. Posting will be non-existent. 🙂 But wait!  I am going to try something out.  I signed up with Qik, a service that you can…

  • My little awards ceremony…

    And the biggest overreaction of the year goes to: the Boise fire department.

  • Is Qik’s open beta really an open beta?

    Try as I might, I can’t see any difference in Qik’s recent change to an “open” beta.  I’ve submitted my cell phone number to them, received the SMS, opened the link, and then I get a page that says: Request received! Thank you for your interest in Qik. We will be in touch to let…

  • Biking Milestones, and why Guy Kawasaki is partly wrong

    Yeah, this blog post is going to be non-sequitur. Bear with me, the first part is short, and I want to brag. About a month and a half ago, we bought bikes.  I’ve been commuting by bike to work averaging about once a week – it definitely takes a while to get into the rhythm…

  • Wow, just wow

    Someone took the intro to the old Naked Gun movie and redid them in Grand Theft Auto IV. This is brilliant! The original Naked Gun intro: Kudos to Joystiq for finding this one.

  • Photo from the weekend star party

    Thanks to Nick for capturing this one: That’s Diann leaning on the Prius, me standing on the sidewalk, and a black-tailed deer just beyond my telescope.

  • Weekend in Port Angeles

    Diann & I spent the weekend on the peninsula, mostly in the Port Angeles area.  We attempted to hit up the Hurricane Ridge Star Party put on by the Olympic Astronomical Society, but were foiled by clouds.  (funny aside here: I showed up, along with Nick who is also a member of the Seattle Astronomical…

  • Catching Up

    A few weeks back, the Deadliest Catch video game came out for the Xbox 360.  Seeing as Diann & I watch the show every week (yeah, we’re addicts), I decided to pick up the game. Lo and behold, a few of the big names from the show would be at my local Gamestop to launch…

  • Clear skies on the weekend

    This weekend had some more clear skies, and I had been warned well in advance.  I cleared the Saturday morning calendar, and packed up back out to Rattlesnake Lake with a bunch of the SAS guys for some viewing. The seeing and transparency were phenomenal – a very stable atmosphere with not much crud in…