Tag: seattle
Seattle Central Library Photostroll
Today the Seattle area was greeted with good weather. Of course, the local Flickr meetup group had pre-planned a photostroll that, of course, was inside. 🙂 We wandered about the downtown Seattle library for approximately 2 hours, taking pictures of the awesome architecture and colors of the building. My photos are here. Also, got the…
Sailing on the Sound
Some friends invited Diann & I for a bit of sailing out on the Puget Sound today. The weather cooperated: our first day of the year in the upper 60’s, and beautiful blue skies. Pictures are available in my Flickr gallery and I took the following video using Qik:
Lunar Eclipse
Ok, so I’m a day or two late, but everyone else is posting pictures they took of the eclipse, so here’s mine: Taken with a Nikon D70 and 70-300mm lens, ISO400 for 4 seconds at f/5.6 from the 28th floor of Lincoln Square in Bellevue. Also while up there, I got a panoramic of the…
Handy coffee reference manual
Stumbled across this post from someone that’s created diagrams of different types of coffee. Very handy, especially for those of us living in the pacific northwest, where there’s a Starbucks (or a Tully’s, or a Seattle’s Best Coffee [which is, in all actuality, a Starbucks], or a random coffee hut) on many street corners. It’s…
Mt. Rainier – Mount Fremont Lookout
Hiked On: July 28, 2007′ Weather Conditions: Approximately 65°F-75°F, mostly sunny skies Elevation: 6400-7181′ Distance from Seattle: Just over 90 miles Pictures: [Here](http://www.marius.org/gallery/v/living/seattle/hikes/rainier/fremont/) National Park Service: Mt. Rainier National Park Well, after a long hiatus from hiking in general, and Mt. Rainier specifically, Diann and I made the 2 hour drive to Sunrise for a…
In the presence of greatness
About a year ago, [Stephen Hawking](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_hawking) was supposed to come to Seattle, and I got tickets. I was excited; not many times do you have a chance to be in the presence of such awesome knowledge. Unfortunately, he fell ill and wasn’t able to make the lecture. I fought TicketMaster to get my ticket refunded,…
Baseball Season: Opening Day
While I was out grabbing lunch yesterday, I realized that it’s MLB opening day — tons of people around wearing their Seattle Mariners shirts. We were eating at [Gandolfo’s Deli](http://www.gandolfosdeli.com/), a New York style deli, and they’re very proud of New York. They hadn’t realized it was opening day — the special of the day…
It’s Official: Temperature Sensitivity is Back!
After being in Seattle for the past two years, I've now come to realize I'm officially not used to hot temperatures anymore. Yesterday got up to 85°F, and today hit 90°F — and I've been whining about it the entire time. Pretty bizarre considering I lived in southeast Texas for 20+ years.
Anti-Aircraft Peak
(catching up on hikes…) Hiked On: May 20, 2006 Weather Conditions: Approximately 65°F, overcast Elevation: 2200-2430â Distance from Seattle: Just over 45 miles Pictures: None King County Park System: Cougar Mountain Regional Wildlife Park This hike was fairly straightforward and easy, yet the temperature and the recent rainfall (coupled with the fact that we were…