Tag: music

  • N+ Music – Problem Solved

    I asked some folks I know over in the gaming division (Hi, Don) about my previous question about the music in N+, and he was able to track down people who knew the answer.  Turns out I was wrong (yeah, shock of shocks, I know).  The music was actually done by Joris De Man of…

  • XBLA: N+ – Music?

    Does anyone know who makes the music for Metanet’s N+ on Xbox Live Arcade?  I’m listening to it, and I can’t help but think of Skaven from the Future Crew days in the 1990s.

  • San Francisco Radio: Turning up the Suck

    As you may have surmised from my previous post, I’m in California for a few days this week on business, and more specifically, in the San Jose / Mountain View area.  I drove in to San Francisco last night to grab dinner and drinks with an old classmate of mine (Hi, Lauren!). It’s a surprisingly…

  • Shame on you, MTV

    About two years ago, I opened up an URGE subscription account.  $15 per month for an all-you-can-eat music service was too good to pass up.  About a year ago, when I bought my Zune, I closed my URGE subscription account and that was that. Today, I got an e-mail from URGE.  "Odd," I thought to…

  • Geeking Out at Home

    Diann and I spent last night doing something we didn’t think we’d be doing yet: looking at houses online. To this date, I’ve avoided the insane Seattle real-estate market, but we figure it’s time to bite the bullet and jump in.  It just doesn’t show any indication of slowing down in the next 3 years…

  • Notes from the morning

    So, since I’ve been up since 4:30am cooking brisket, I wanted to jot down a few notes from the morning. First, there seems to be a racoon living in our backyard. He was drinking from the pond while I was waiting on the BBQ to heat up. Second, there’s nothing on TV at 4:30am on…

  • Problem with the RIAA and Recording Industry

    So I've been following all the Engadget and Gizmodo posts about the rumored Argo and Zune. One of the things that jumped out at me was this Engadget article that talked about the possibility that Microsoft would be allowing people to download whatever music they've purchased in iTunes for free — but that “Microsoft will…

  • Coldplay Concert

    Just walked back in the door from a Coldplay show for their Twisted Logic tour (Wikipedia reference with setlists, etc.). A fantastic show they put on; Chris Martin definitely brings a lot of energy to the show. Tons of good references to Seattle in the concert, a few mentions of the upcoming Superbowl (Go Seahawks!).…

  • Sharing iTunes Libaries with Multiple Users in Windows XP

    Diann & I have both had our iPods for quite some time now, and I've always had it setup where the iTunes libary is stored within my home directory. Kind of irritating, especially when she needed to update her iPod, I'd have to log in as me. I realized today that someone out there must…

  • Christmas Music

    I really think that the department stores start playing Christmas Music earlier and earlier every year. (Yes, I realize I'm just posting this on 12/13. The Christmas Music has been driving me nuts for over two weeks now). I don't think I'd have as huge of a problem with it if the music was to…