Tag: fireworks

  • Vanishing Point Game: Event 4 – Seattle, WA

    So the 4th event of the [Vanishing Point Game](http://www.vanishingpointgame.com/) was held in Seattle tonight. If you haven’t been following, the game is a viral marketing/buzz building event sponsored by [Microsoft](http://www.microsoft.com/) and [AMD](http://www.amd.com/) for the Windows Vista launch (this Tuesday). [Jenn](http://realmccoy.spaces.live.com/) (who happens to work on a part of the Windows Vista marketing team) called me…

  • the new year is almost upon us

    Just browsing CNN a few moments ago, and noticed that the NASDAQ is fittingly closing the year at 2003.37. Not quite 2004, but almost there. It's neat how some things just happen to work out. Happy new year everyone, and don't blow yourselves up tonight with fireworks! 🙂