Month: October 2005

  • Sharing iTunes Libaries with Multiple Users in Windows XP

    Diann & I have both had our iPods for quite some time now, and I've always had it setup where the iTunes libary is stored within my home directory. Kind of irritating, especially when she needed to update her iPod, I'd have to log in as me. I realized today that someone out there must…

  • How much is a blog worth?

    According to some analysis by technorati tags: My blog is worth $3,951.78.How much is your blog worth?

  • Delay of Game

    It's Saturday, so I've been watching some college ball, and I've come to realize – Delay of Game penalties kind of defeat the purpose. When called, the ref has to mumble for about 20 seconds, the offense and defense have to reset, and a new 24 second clock starts. I figure every Delay of Game…

  • The Apprentices

    So, I've been a fan of The Apprentice for a bit now, so I decided that I should at least give the benefit of the doubt to Martha and check out the other Apprentice to see how it is. I don't much like Martha's Apprentice nearly as much as Donald's Apprentice, and I don't really…