Tag: Live Search

  • What’s on your Sidebar?

    Those of you running Windows Vista – what’s on your Sidebar? What gadgets can’t you live without? (Blatant steal: I got this idea from Sean Alexander’s blog post: [Top 10 Sidebar Gadgets](http://www.seanalexander.com/2007/05/21/Top10SidebarGadgets.aspx).) On my work computer: * [Traffic by Live Search](http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.aspx?li=d5ad423c-05bd-4de4-8803-b05ecc339397&bt=1&pl=1) showing horrible Seattle traffic * [MSN Gas Prices](http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.aspx?li=edc14bc5-72f5-4e0d-b761-5a765408f67b&bt=1&pl=1) * [Live Search](http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.aspx?li=9107a4f7-531d-4b22-81fa-c310cbb19072&bt=1&pl=1) * Stock Ticker…

  • That search bar up there…

    So, I added the nifty new Windows Live site search bar to the top of the page there. Very Ajax-y site-in-site search. Learned about it via the Live Search Blog.