Tag: blog
New Stuff on the Site
Added a Book Queue over there on the right ( powered by MTBookQueueToo and MTAmazon ) and finally have a dynamically created Blogroll (powered by a beta of MT Blogroll, which doesn't have a homepage yet.) Oh, and Jeff pointed this out today online. Pretty damned sweet — a genetic sequence browser for various species'…
when random people link
So what does the rest of the blogging community do when you're curious who is linking to you? Recently someone posted a random trackback ping to my website. No problem, so I go check them out. I'm in their blogroll, and so is Bill, and neither of us know who they are. I don't really…
Blogging Milestone: Over 100 Entries
Just perusing some configuration options in my Movable Type configuration, and noticed that I posted the blog's 100th entry on the 19th. Nice. Of course, on the flip side, this makes 103 entries since February 26, 2003. 103 entries in 1 year and 10 months. That's an entry, on average, every 15 days. I need…
new toy!
As the more astute readers will notice, there's now a little picture over there on the right hand side of the blog. Well, that's because I've joined in on the moblog bandwagon. What is a moblog, you ask? Wikipedia defines it for us: Moblog is a portmanteau of mobile and weblog. A mobile weblog, or…
updating the website…
After reading Brad Choate's article on rebuilding your entire website with MT, I've started rebuilding the static pages under MT as well. So, for the time being, they'll be unavailable. (This includes the FreeBSD pages, my digital photography pages, wireless pages, and a few others. They'll be back online soon enough.
new blog management
So I've finally decided to get going and shake the cobwebs off the website. With the purchase of the new camera I figured I should clean this thing up a bit… Well, I'm working on re-doing the website layout and one of the first steps in doing so is getting rid of the old blog…
Site Changes
So, obviously the site was getting a little dull, so I decided to use Drupal to automate some of my commenting on the front page. Should make the page management a wee bit easier for me as well. Micah and James have been using it for a while and are happy with it, so I…