Tag: blender
Will it blend?
Apparently, the answer is: “Hell yes, it’ll blend!” Found [this site](http://www.willitblend.com/) which is a marketing gimmick by a company named [Blendtec](http://www.blendtec.com/). They put, uhh, absurd stuff into their blenders to show how well they run. Define absurd stuff you say? How about: * Golf balls * Marbles * A can of coke (can included) *…
RIP: An Obituary for the Blender
Well, the blender that we've had for so long (a Cuisinart SmartPower 7-Speed blender, for those of you curious) has finally passed on Thursday night, of natural causes. It had done it's share of mixing drinks, making smoothies, and doing the occasional light food processing task. During its good days, it even ate the end…