Month: November 2007

  • Stunning note on power usage

    Wow, I had no idea about this: Raise your hand if you knew that streetlamps accounted for 38 percent of all energy used on lighting in the USA. That’s amazing. (Side note: I’ve been mysteriously absent from the blog (and responding to a few emails that are hanging in the back of my inbox) the…

  • Paging Om Malik: Please, get a Tufte book

    I was reading Om Malik’s blog GigaOm today, in particular his post titled "Why is Google Afraid of Facebook?" About halfway through the post, up comes the worst infographic I’ve ever seen: Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m not one to hate on Om.  His stuff is typically great (though, I will say, I’m…

  • Comcast – I fought ’em so you don’t have to

    I’ve been spending the better part of the last half-hour trying to figure out Comcast’s digital cable packages and pricing.  Their website allows you to get a channel lineup so you can see which channels each package has, but doesn’t let you easily compare.  I decided to put them into an Excel spreadsheet to do…

  • A tale of two customer service scenarios

    Since Diann & I are moving soon, I needed to call up all our utility companies and get services transferred.  My phone at work can report on who I recently called and the time that I spent on each call (to answer your question: I don’t think big brother is watching).  I noticed what I…

  • Selling out?

    I don’t know if it’s selling out or not, but for a half-pound of vanilla beans, I’m not beyond selling myself out a bit. Jaden (who I won saffron from) is now hosting a contest to win a half-pound of vanilla beans.  My favorite recipe suggestion?  Definitely Alton Brown’s Creme Brulee.  Although, I really want…