Month: October 2007

  • How times have changed

    I was going through some old digital photos recently (by old, I mean up to 6 years at max; let’s face it, that’s old for a digital photo) and stumbled across the photo there on the right of a gas station we stumbled across while in San Diego in March of 2003. It was the…

  • Saffron has arrived

    As promised, Jaden ordered me a year’s supply of Saffron.  USPS dropped it in my mailbox today. I’m surprised by just how much Saffron a year’s supply is. I really think this’ll last us more than a year. Thanks, Jaden!

  • Shame on you, MTV

    About two years ago, I opened up an URGE subscription account.  $15 per month for an all-you-can-eat music service was too good to pass up.  About a year ago, when I bought my Zune, I closed my URGE subscription account and that was that. Today, I got an e-mail from URGE.  "Odd," I thought to…

  • Mailing Services and English Nuances

    One of the small perks we have at work is the ability to use our corporate mailing center for personal shipments.  I still have to pay the shipping costs, but do get to use our company’s bulk rate rather than normal rates.  It adds up pretty quickly, actually, but that’s not where this post is…

  • Portal

    Hilarious video put up by the Xbox folks over at

  • Transformers

    Just got e-mail from Amazon.  My HD-DVD copy of Transformers has shipped… Awesome.

  • Saffron

    Neat!  I won a year’s supply of saffron from Jaden’s Steamy Kitchen! Thanks, Jaden!  Guess I’ll need to blog and post photos of what we make with it.

  • Glowing Mountain Dew!

    Woah, I totally need to try this at home: UPDATE: Hrm, appears to be a hoax. Oh well, still pretty cool.

  • Redfin Updates

    Looks like Redfin just did some maintenance and updates to their live service. I’ve been using Redfin during our house hunting as our preferred directory of available houses.  I’m not planning on making my offer through Redfin – this is our first house in Washington state, and the market seems totally different than it is…

  • Tonight’s Heroes episode

    Anyone else notice that Peter Petrelli looked disturbingly like Top Gun-era Tom Cruise in tonight’s episode?