Month: November 2006

  • It’s all Borat’s fault

    [Pam Anderson and Kid Rock]( are splitting up. I blame [Borat](

  • T-30 days until Christmas

    Ahh, the holiday season is upon us once again. Now to see if I can make another season without seeing that stupid movie. (Yes, [A Christmas Story](, I’m looking at you.)

  • Will it blend?

    Apparently, the answer is: “Hell yes, it’ll blend!” Found [this site]( which is a marketing gimmick by a company named [Blendtec]( They put, uhh, absurd stuff into their blenders to show how well they run. Define absurd stuff you say? How about: * Golf balls * Marbles * A can of coke (can included) *…

  • Thing I hate #412: Annoying speakerphone etiquette

    I love speakerphones. The ones we have where I work are surprisingly good. What I hate is when a co-worker down the hall is calling someone, leaves the phone on speaker while dialing, and lets it ring and ring and ring for 2 minutes. Hey, genius, if they’re not gonna answer in the first minute,…

  • Rant: Yo-Yo Ball

    Reading another MSNBC article here talking about the Yo-Yo Ball and how the CPSC is now going to formally investigate them — because they've (*gasp*) injured several kids. That's not my problem. My problem is that this is just like the “coffee is hot” thing from McDonald's several years back. Now, I know that to…

  • A-Train

    Saw this over at Xboxyde (yes, they're more than just posting up the DOAX2 Famitsu scans). The graphics aren't that impressive on it, but it brought back old memories of A-Train on an Amiga 1000. I even remember the “HIRES” mode if you had 1 meg of RAM. Wow. 🙂

  • No “Lost” till February

    So, “Lost” is going to be offline until February 7. MSNBC has a good article up with viewer thoughts on why this is a good or bad thing. I love “Lost”, but I agree – 3 months is a long outage for a show this complex. And there's a bunch of things they didn't even…

  • That search bar up there…

    So, I added the nifty new Windows Live site search bar to the top of the page there. Very Ajax-y site-in-site search. Learned about it via the Live Search Blog.