So, I'm reading this article, and it's talking about how obsessed Saddam Hussein apparently was about WMD, based on some tapes found in Iraq.
Transcripts of Saddam's tapes reviewed by NBC News show him ruminating about future terror attacks in the United States using weapons of mass destruction.
“We shouldn't be surprised to see a car bomb with nuclear [material] explode [in] Washington, either germ or chemical,” Saddam tells aides. “So this is coming,” Saddam says on the tapes, “but not from Iraq,” he adds, seeming to indicate that Iraq would not be the source of any such attack.
An unidentified Saddam aide replies that biological weapons are easy to construct: “… any biologist can make it in water tank and kill 100,000 person … so you can't accuse a country, one person can do it. One American person can do it in a house, next to the White House.”
On another tape, Saddam says future terrorism will be with WMD. “It is possible in the future to see a booby trap and the explosion turns out to be nuclear, germ or chemical.”
“What the tapes show is that between the first gulf war and the second gulf war, Saddam Hussein had not lost his appetite for, or interest in, weapons of mass destruction,” says Gary Milhollin of the Wisconsin Project, an advocacy group working to slow the spread of weapons of mass destruction. “To the contrary, he was almost obsessed by them.'”
Uhh, now wait a second. Isn't he saying stuff that the current administration is saying? I don't know that the article leads me to believe any more that he had them, anymoreso than it leads me to believe that we don't.