Month: December 2005

  • Lake Elizabeth

    Hiked On: December 31, 2005 Weather Conditions: Approximately 30°F-34°F, overcast, some snow Elevation: 2150-2750' Distance from Seattle: Just over 90 miles Pictures: None US Forest Service: Lake Elizabeth, Trail 1071 Even though the USFS page says this one is easy, it wasn't. We couldn't drive all the way to the trailhead (snow), so had to…

  • Au revoir, 2005

    As we approach 2006, it's interesting to look back at the blog archives and see over the various months during 2005. 2005 brought me: * a lot of hiking, including a height record for us at over 7,000' * First-ever time in snowshoes * A new job (for me, and for Diann) * A new…

  • Nutty People

    I should make a blog category for people that I deem to be, well, nutty. This lady would be way at the top of my list.

  • Random Thought: Past Tense of “Breakdance”?

    Is it “breakdanced” or “brokedance”? “Brokedanced”? Bonus points if you can answer authoritatively without resorting to a dictionary. [ Ed. note: for all 2 of you that read this, apologies for not updating it at all in the recent weeks. $deity knows that POTUS and his administration has given me plenty of material to rant…