Month: May 2005
Deception Pass State Park
Hiked On: May 21, 2005 Weather Conditions: Approximately 60°F, overcast, no wind Elevation: 0-300' Distance from Seattle: 80 miles Pictures: Here State Park: Deception Pass State Park We've seen so many amazing pictures of Deception Pass that we decided to head out there to take a peek for ourselves. I decided to make a driving…
iPod Photo Bug?
I think I've stumbled across a bug in the iPod Photo v1.1 (it may have been in v1.0, but I just found it so I can't confirm). If you're playing a song with associated album artwork, and hit the selector button to view the artwork, and then hit the previous or forward button to move…
You're probably noticing a bit of change here. I got bored with the old look, and sat down and redesigned the website. Let me know what you think; I think it looks quite a bit better than the old orange 'n grey.
Sarbanes Oxley and Technology
Does anyone else find it ironic that the two biggest-impact sections of Sarbanes Oxley are good old HTTP return values? 404 and 302. Thanks to Bryan for randomly and unknowingly leading me to that realization.
Quotes to Live By
“Those who would trade safety for freedom deserve neither.” –Thomas Jefferson “Those that would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security.” –Ben Franklin “Those who are ready to sacrifice freedom for security ultimately will lose both.” –Abraham Lincoln