Month: November 2004

  • Irony of Politics

    As reported and seen on CNN this morning: Yep, no early recount allowed in Ohio as per a probably “non-activist” judge. Oh, wait, what's that breaking news item up there? Bush administration says the Ukrainian election was a sham? Funny, we didn't listen to anyone else in 2000 when they said that about our election.

  • Wishful Thinking: TODO List Entry for Steve Jobs

    Bluetooth module for iPod. Enough said. Now with my laptop, I've got USB to hookup the iPod, USB mouse, USB to sync my calendar/contacts into my cell phone.. The phone does Bluetooth, a bluetooth mouse would be a cheap addition. If I could just get bluetooth for the iPod, I'd be set. Oh, and for…

  • woohoo

    Ashcroft Resigns!

  • Fighter Jet Strafes School

    Wow, seems the Bush administration had something up their sleeves with their “No Child Left Behind” strategy: Fighter Jet Strafes New Jersey School. Seems a F-16 on a training mission shot up a school. Well, it was only 3.5 miles off the training grounds. But when the heavy gun in the left wing of an…

  • Eminem: Mosh

    True to form, Eminem doesn't pull any punches. Check out his latest incarnation, Mosh. Great video, good story. Hopefully it will be another in the line of pushing people out to the polls.