Month: December 2003

  • the new year is almost upon us

    Just browsing CNN a few moments ago, and noticed that the NASDAQ is fittingly closing the year at 2003.37. Not quite 2004, but almost there. It's neat how some things just happen to work out. Happy new year everyone, and don't blow yourselves up tonight with fireworks! 🙂

  • Speeding

    So, Diann & I were driving to Houston yesterday via the typical route (South Hwy 6. to 290 East for those of you curious) and we were cruising at about 70-72 MPH. Speed limit was 65 MPH and everyone in the pack of cars around us was doing the same speed as we were. So,…

  • hooray for making the family nerdier

    Well, now that finals are over, I had no further excuse to prevent the inevitable de-grinching of our house — Diann was forcing me into buying a Christmas tree. 🙂 Well, so we hooked up the Christmas tree last night, ran the lights (only 300 this year; no Griswald Family Tree this year). However, if…

  • technology, she is grand

    Imagine this: guy gets pulled over for expired car registration. Grabs cell phone, calls friend, registers car online. Avoids car towing. This is absolutely beautiful. (Thanks for the link, Micah) That is all for now.